Store and Track Document Management with
and Folder IT

Welcome to Asset Networks (Pvt) your partner in embracing the future of document management.
Our integrated solution, combining the power of SharePoint and our innovative Folder IT product,
is designed to elevate your document management experience to new heights.

SharePoint and Folder IT

Superior Document Management

SharePoint: Centralized Collaboration Hub

Enjoy a centralized repository and seamless collaboration with SharePoint, ensuring your documents are accessible from anywhere.

Folder IT: Intelligent Folder Organization

Elevate your organization with Folder IT’s intelligent folder structure, simplifying document categorization and retrieval.

Key Features

Features that Redefine
Document Management

1. Search Functionality:

Find what you need, when you need it. Our search functionality across SharePoint and Folder IT ensures no document is ever lost.

2. Automated Versioning:

Stay on top of document versions effortlessly. SharePoint’s version and Folder IT’s automation version ensure accuracy at every step.

3. Customizable Security Levels:

Tailor security levels to match your organization’s needs. Folder IT and SharePoint add an extra layer of security to your documents within the organization environment.

Seamless Implementation

Effortless Integration,
Minimal Disruption

Customized Deployment:

Our experts customize the deployment to seamlessly integrate SharePoint or Folder IT into your existing workflow.

User Training and Ongoing Support:

Empower your team with comprehensive training, and rest easy knowing our support extends beyond implementation.

SharePoint and Folder IT

Superior Document Management

SharePoint: Centralized Collaboration Hub

Enjoy a centralized repository and seamless collaboration with SharePoint, ensuring your documents are accessible from anywhere.

Folder IT: Intelligent Folder Organization

Elevate your organization with Folder IT’s intelligent folder structure, simplifying document categorization and retrieval.


Empower Your Business with
Document Management

Optimized Workflow:

Experience a streamlined workflow that optimizes efficiency and allows your team to focus on strategic initiatives.

Enhanced Collaboration:

Foster a culture of collaboration with tools that empower your team to work together seamlessly.

Flexible Pricing Plans

Tailored Plans to Fit Your

Explore our flexible pricing plans that cater to businesses of all sizes.
Find the perfect fit for your organization’s unique needs.

Ready to revolutionize your document management? Contact +94 74 206 9182 or [email protected] today and discover how
the combined power of SharePoint and Folder IT can transform your workflow.

Join the forward-thinking businesses that have embraced our integrated solution for document management. Experience unparalleled efficiency, collaboration, and security. Make the smart choice – choose Asset Networks for your Document Management System needs.